Awarness Creation and Capacity Building
Given the CSOs controlling agency’s approval of the intervention area, this program focuses on ensuring enhanced CSR activities and understanding as a result of the program activities. Apart from cross checks at activity and immediate out put levels, the success of this long term objective will be assessed through an all encompassing impact assessment and a panel discussion involving but not limited to stakeholders, collaborators, partners and donors.
On conditions that the CSOs controlling Agency approves the project, the required program fund is secured and intended partners and collaborators are willing to take part in the project activities, the planned activities primarily focus on two areas of intervention. These are awareness and capacity building.
The Research program of OSD focuses on enhancing CSR knowledge and information as well as identifying further intervention areas to improve laws, policies and practices related to CSR in Ethiopia. The Research program intends to increase the knowledge and information of CSR among people, businesses and public offices. Studying various CSR practices, laws and policies in Ethiopia as well as at international level instigates increase of CSR practices through providing the necessary information and knowledge for stakeholders and the community at large. Such research generates more business entities, public office and organization engaged in CSR activities by indicating various CSR areas and elements based on the current socio economic need.
The Research program main objective is to enhance and disseminate CSR knowledge and information among business entities, public offices and the community at large. Enhancing and disseminating the society CSR knowledge and information increases the implications of CSR concept and practices. Moreover, Identifying various areas of intervention and engagement regarding CSR practices, laws and policies for business entities, public offices, the community and the organization is another objective of the Research program.
Advocacy and Promotion
The Advocacy and Promotion program aims at creating an enabling and favorable legal and policy environment for CSR practices and improve CSR performance among the business community. While existence of favorable legal and policy environment is crucial for enhanced CSR practices, the baseline assessment undertaken by OSD has pointed out that there is a limitation in the Ethiopian legal environment in terms of putting in place CSR specific policies and legal frameworks as well as containing legal provisions which encourage corporate bodies to meet desired objectives. Hence, one of the objectives of this program is to address this shortcoming by encouraging adoption of legal and policy frameworks which promote CSR practices. Furthermore, through this program OSD works to ensure effective implementation of various CSR provisions found in different laws by building the knowledge and understanding of the business community and concerned government administrative bodies on the CSR related laws and directives issued by the relevant authorities. OSD also works to enhance CSR practices among the business community under this program by engaging in promotion of good practices and different other activities.