With the aim to raise awareness on the Declaration and its relevance to people around the world, as an international UN-system wide advocacy campaign, a year long commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was launched starting December 10, 2007. As part of the Ethiopia advocacy campaign, a national committee chaired by the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission and includes civil society organizations, namely, Organization for Social Justice in Ethiopia, Action Professionals Association for the People (APAP), The African Child Policy Forum, Ethiopian Human Rights Council and, Ethiopian Women Lawyers’ Association was established to coordinate activities towards the year long commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the UDHR.
Organization for Social Justice in Ethiopia (OSJE) along with its partners has designed and implemented a project entitled "Awareness Creation on Universal Declaration of Human Rights" as part of this campaign. OSJE implemented this project with a fund it obtained from Initiative Africa/Sida. The project was aimed at generating interest and awareness around human rights during the UDHR anniversary and contain activities, production and broadcasting of a series of radio programs which focus on the human rights provisions of various vulnerable groups including, women, children, the disabled and People living with HIV/AIDS and, designing and distribution of a poster in commemoration of the UDHR 60th anniversary. Accordingly, OSJE produced and broadcasted fifteen programs on Sheger FM 102.1 radio station. The programs were composed of an eight part drama series which focuses on Socio-Economic rights of women specially those who are in the informal sector, the disabled, children and people living with HIV/AIDS, a three parts discussion program which involved as discussants professionals and experts from non-governmental organizations which have experience working on the raised issues and the government body that has the mandate and responsibility on human rights protection in the country with the intention of clarifying and reinforcing the massages transmitted through the drama and in the last four consecutive weeks episodes which raised different socio-economic right issues of the people.
Donors to the project: Initiative Africa